What Did Businesses Sell For 1st Quarter 2018

What Did Businesses Sell For 1st Quarter 2018

                                     May 22, 2018
What Did Businesses Sell For 1st Quarter 2018  and Why?                        Email Scott today for More Info                   
Information gathered by a survey of over 270 Professional Business Brokers reveal the current information of the market defining what businesses are selling for AND why. This information is based on the sales of hundreds of business during Q1 2018 and some behind the scenes info of the hows and whys-What Did Businesses Sell For? – and what does it mean? – Businesses sell for a multiple of cash flow. The multiple it sells for is dependent on the industry, the size of the business and other factors. As you can see below businesses are selling for the same multiple of cash flow in Q1 2018 as they were in Q1 2018.  Yet most businesses have improved from 2014 so many  businesses are selling for more……

Who is Buying a Business? and Why? – the below results from the survey of 270 business brokers show that the reason and the type of buyer varies based upon the size of business bought.  Still almost 50% of businesses that attempt to sell do not sell.


What Did Businesses Sell For first quarter 2018

****  Buyers Looking For- HVAC Businesses, Pest Control, Businesses with cash flow of $1M+                                                                                            C- Stores , Self Storage                                  

 Email Scott Today For More Info

Scott M. Messinger is a former and current business owner that has personally purchased 8 + businesses. Former owner of successful production/manufacturing/distribution business of 20 years that was successfully sold and transitioned. Member of Gateway Business Advisors serving South Carolina Florida and Southeast USA. Member of the Business Broker of Florida Assn. For a FREE current listing of Businesses FOR sale see: www.SellaBusinessAdvisors.com call South Carolina (864) 210-8226 Florida (239) 770-2421


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About Scott

Scott M. Messinger is a former and current business owner that has personally purchased 8 + businesses. Former owner of successful production/manufacturing/distribution business of 20 years that was successfully sold and transitioned. Member of Gateway Business Advisors serving South Carolina Florida and Southeast USA. Member of the Business Broker of Florida Assn. For a FREE current listing of Businesses FOR sale see: www.SellaBusinessAdvisors.com call South Carolina (864) 210-8226 Florida (239) 770-2421